Penguin's Ponderings
Thoughts, dreams, and events in the life
of Dawn (aka dpenguin)
Check back at least every other day :)

Thursday, December 09, 2004
Weird dream...

We lived in an apartment on this highway - three lanes each way with a median between - and one day I found a scooter on the median, abandoned, so I took it home. I had a great time riding it here and there. My mom & dad came to visit, and we went with them and a dear friend of my MIL's and some other people. We were headed somewhere else and for some reason my MIL's friend was on the road, and I was on the scooter, and somehow she got in front of me and I ran over her... and it caused some terrible abrasions on her legs. :( And then Nate & I were heading home after we got her to someone who could take care of her and whoever was taking us would *not* let me go back down the median and get the scooter *I* had abandoned after the accident, and I had a sense of loss over that. Then suddenly Nate & I & MIL were not in a car, but in a very very very long hallway that went through a building. Mostly it had apartments off the sides, but occasionally an apartment *included* the hallway. One of them had the kitchen and living room right in the hallway, with the bedrooms off the sides. They had a dozen children and a couple of the youngers ones waylaid us and requested that MIL read them a story, and she was delighted to do so. So while she did that, Nate & I went in and visited with the youngster's mom and dad, then took a nap. When we woke up, MIL had gone and I was topless (eek!) and had to find my clothes to put them back on. Once I did, I told the mom that it wasn't the first time I'd napped on her couch, remembering - in the dream - that I'd made the journey down this long hallway once in college.

Very strange, very very strange.
You really should cut out the spicy food before going to sleep.
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