Penguin's Ponderings
Thoughts, dreams, and events in the life
of Dawn (aka dpenguin)
Check back at least every other day :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Added some Links.
I decided that it was silly of me to feel a wee bit slighted about my friends not linking to my blog, when I wasn't linking to ANYONE's blogs... so now I am! That doesn't mean I have any more RIGHT to feel slighted, though. Just means that I don't have to feel guilty that I'm not linking to my friends and acquaintances.

I will say, though, that there are a couple of them whose language is not G-rated. The Moms and the Others are all G-rated... I should probably put a notation on the R-rated ones... I'll think about doing that. Not tonight though.

My house is in chaos - we're working toward going camping for five or six days and the car & trailer are not yet packed, so everything is here in the house. Yikes!
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